Unveiling Destiny, The Power of Five - Numerology
The dynamic planet Mercury represents the dynamic, fiery, and vigorous number 5 in the unusual and intriguing world of numerology. The numerology five individuals possess an energy that attracts others; they live their lives in a joyful manner. However, describing their aura is difficult because it is a mixture of being flexible against harsh circumstances and being a quick decision-maker at certain times. Astrologically, the fifth number is connected with the Leo zodiac which comes as a fifth sign and shows up energy and vivacity. Also, it is related to Virgo’s need for information and the curiosity of Gemini. Influenced by number 5, people always cherish liberty and live off for adventures in life. They do not form hard-and-fast schedules based on predetermined expectations, trusting their instincts and taking action as a means of trying something new in order to explore more aspects of life. It is in their natural element to interact and seek new ...